Trucking accidents have the potential to be devastating, causing severe injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. The long-term impacts of trucking accidents can be extensive, affecting not only the immediate victims but also their families and loved ones. Seeking compensation for injuries, losses, and future damages is critical in helping those affected by these accidents to recover and move forward with their lives. Keep reading to discover how a trucking accident can impact the victim's life and how they can get the compensation they deserve! 

The Consequences of Trucking Accidents

The Consequences of Trucking Accidents

Any type of accident can seriously impact those involved. However, trucking accidents have more potential for lifelong negative impacts on the victims. Due to their increased size and weight, one wrong move, mistake, or problem can change the lives of everyone involved. Here are some consequences of trucking accidents that can affect victims and their families: 

Physical Injuries

Victims of trucking accidents can suffer from various injuries, including broken bones, head and spinal injuries, burns, and internal injuries. These injuries can be severe and may require extensive medical treatment. Even minor injuries can affect work, daily tasks, and additional responsibilities. Victims of trucking accidents may be unable to work due to their injuries, resulting in lost wages and financial hardship. This can be particularly difficult for those who rely on their income to support themselves and their families.

Emotional Trauma  

Trucking accidents can also cause emotional trauma, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Victims may struggle to cope with the aftermath of the accident, including the physical and emotional pain, and may require therapy or counseling. 

Property Damage 

In addition to personal injuries, trucking accidents can cause significant property damage. This includes damage to vehicles, buildings, and other structures that may have been involved in the accident. If you are the victim of a trucking accident, you shouldn't have to foot the bill for any damages. Therefore you need to make sure you call a lawyer to fight to get the compensation you deserve. 

Ongoing Medical Care and Disability

Some victims of trucking accidents may require ongoing medical care, such as rehabilitation, physical therapy, and medication. This can be costly and may require long-term financial planning. In some cases, trucking accidents can cause permanent disability, limiting the victim's ability to work and perform daily activities. This can significantly impact the victim's quality of life and future earning potential.

Wrongful death

Unfortunately, trucking accidents can result in wrongful death in the most severe cases. This can leave families grieving and struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one and facing financial hardship due to funeral expenses and lost income.

Seeking Compensation for Injuries, Losses, and Future Damages

As we mentioned above, being the victim of a trucking accident can have some serious consequences. Causing physical injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma. While it's hard to put a price on the amount of compensation you deserve for damages, you deserve for the negligent party to be held accountable. The first step towards moving on after the accident is to call a professional, trusted, and experienced lawyer who will fight for your right to compensation. 

At Wojcik Law, we are a top law firm in Chicago and the surrounding Chicagoland. Here are a few of the many things we do to ensure compensation for our clients: 

  1. Investigating the accident - Our legal team will investigate the accident, gathering evidence such as police reports, witness statements, and accident reconstruction reports. We will also examine the truck driver's logbooks, maintenance records, and other relevant documents.

  2. Evaluating damages - Your lawyer will assess the damages suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and any future damages that may be incurred, such as physical therapy, visits to a therapist, and devices needed for assistance, among others.

  3. Negotiating with insurance companies - Your Wojcik Law lawyer will deal with the insurance company representing the trucking company or driver, seeking a settlement that fairly compensates their client for their losses. You must only let your lawyer speak with the negligent parties insurance company. Their first goal is to offer a lowball settlement deal to make everything go away quickly. 

  4. Filing a lawsuit - If a settlement cannot be reached, we will file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf, seeking compensation through the court system.

  5. Representation in court- If the case goes to trial, we will represent you, presenting evidence and arguing on your behalf.

  6. Ensuring compliance with legal requirements - Our legal team will ensure that all legal requirements are met, including filing deadlines, procedural rules, and other legal obligations.

  7. Providing ongoing support - Throughout the legal process, our firm will provide ongoing support and guidance, helping you understand your rights and options and advocating for your best interests.

What Can You Receive Compensation For? 

  • Current pain and suffering

  • Lost wages or income if you have been unable to work due to your injury or will be unable to work in the future because of the injuries that you have sustained as a result of the crash

  • Any physical injuries

  • Future pain and suffering

  • Compensation for the repair or replacement of your damaged vehicle

  • Emotional distress

  • Disfigurement

  • Disability

  • Your medical bills, including any costs associated with your rehabilitation and any expenses that you may have to cover in the future due to the injury that you have received

  • Past pain and suffering

  • Loss of companionship or consortium

Why Trucking Accident Victims Choose Wojcik Law for Representation

Trucking accidents can be devastating, no matter how big or small they are. When victims of these accidents need representation, they turn to Wojcik Law for help. Our firm has a wealth of experience handling trucking accident cases and a track record of success. Our firm is known for providing personalized attention to each client, taking the time to understand their unique circumstances and needs. We are also committed to fighting for the maximum compensation possible for our clients, including damages for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Have you been the victim of a trucking accident? Has it seriously impacted your life and the lives of those around you? Then get in contact with our firm. We have the resources, tools, experience, and knowledge to give you the best possible chance of receiving the compensation that you deserve. Don't wait, and contact us today.