Distracted Driving Awareness Month: Shedding Light on the Hidden Risks of Illinois Roads

Hidden Risks of Illinois Roads

Distracted Driving Awareness Month, is a critical time to spotlight the persistent danger that threatens the safety of our roads and the lives of countless individuals each day. Distracted driving encompasses any activity that diverts a driver's attention from the road, leading to severe and often fatal consequences. Given that Illinois ranks eighth among states with the most distracted driving accidents, it's imperative to understand the types of distractions and their impacts. 

Types of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can be broken down into three primary categories: visual, manual, and cognitive distractions. However, in today's digital age, these often overlap, especially with the prevalence of smartphones.

  1. Visual Distractions: This occurs when a driver looks away from the road. Nowadays, common visual distractions include checking notifications on a smartphone, looking at apps, or using a navigation system. Simple acts like reading a text message or selecting music can cause a driver to take their eyes off the road long enough to cover a football field at highway speeds.

  2. Manual Distractions: These happen when drivers take one or both hands off the wheel. Common examples are texting, dialing a phone, eating, or even adjusting climate controls. Each of these actions can significantly reduce the driver's control over the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash.

  3. Cognitive Distractions: Often overlooked, cognitive distractions occur when a driver's mind is not focused on driving. Talking to passengers, thinking about stressful events, or engaging in heated discussions can drastically reduce reaction times and awareness of surrounding traffic conditions.

  4. Impaired Driving: Impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs is a severe issue that similarly affects a driver's ability to focus and react. Impairment often exacerbates the effects of distracted driving, making a dangerous situation even more deadly.

How Distracted Driving Is Dangerous

How is Distracted Driving Is Dangerous?

The risks associated with distracted driving are starkly highlighted by troubling statistics. Forbes reports that 3,142 people were fatally injured due to distracted driving in 2020. Distracted driving accounts for 8% of all fatal car accidents, with nine people losing their lives each day in the United States because of such incidents.

In Illinois, the threat is especially pronounced, with the state ranking eighth in the nation for the most distracted driving accidents. This statistic is alarming and serves as a call to action for both drivers and lawmakers to implement more stringent measures to curb this epidemic.

What to Do if You or Someone You Love Is the Victim of an Accident Caused by a Distracted Driver

If an accident occurs due to a distracted driver, immediate steps should be taken to protect the injured party's rights and well-being:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Always prioritize health and safety. Some injuries might not be immediately apparent.

  2. Report the Accident: Ensure the accident is officially documented by police. This report is crucial for legal purposes.

  3. Gather Evidence: Take photos of the scene, collect witness information, and document everything related to the accident.

  4. Consult with an Attorney: Before interacting with insurance companies, consulting with an attorney can provide insights and guidance on the best actions to take.

Common Questions About Distracted Driving Accidents

What qualifies as distracted driving?

Distracted driving includes any activity that diverts attention from driving, such as using a phone, eating, or adjusting the radio.

Can I claim compensation if hit by a distracted driver?

Yes, victims of distracted driving accidents can pursue compensation for damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

How can an attorney help in a distracted driving case?

An attorney can handle legal complexities, deal with insurance companies, and help secure the maximum compensation possible.

How Wojcik Law Can Help Get You Compensation

How Wojcik Law Can Help Get You Compensation

At Wojcik Law, we specialize in personal injury and auto accident cases, including those involving distracted driving. Our experienced team understands the nuances of Illinois traffic laws and the devastating impact of distracted driving. Here's how we can help:

  • Legal Expertise: We provide a thorough analysis of your case, exploring all potential avenues for compensation. We understand the tactics used by insurance companies and are prepared to counter them effectively.

  • Comprehensive Support: From gathering evidence to negotiating settlements and, if necessary, representing you in court, we handle all aspects of your claim.

  • Maximizing Your Compensation: We are committed to securing the full compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Have You Been the Victim of a Distracted Driving Accident?

Have You Been the Victim of a Distracted Driving Accident in the State of Illinois?

Distracted driving is a dire threat to everyone on Illinois roads. Understanding both the dangers and your legal rights is critical, especially in light of the alarming statistics associated with distracted driving incidents. During Distracted Driving Awareness Month and beyond, it's important to reflect on the serious consequences of inattentive driving and take action. 

If you or someone you love has been affected by a distracted driving accident, Wojcik Law is here to help. We are dedicated to advocating for safer driving practices and ensuring that victims receive the justice and compensation they deserve. Contact Wojcik Law for a compassionate and comprehensive legal consultation to explore your options and start the journey toward recovery and resolution.

Steering Clear of Insurance Claim Mistakes After a Truck Accident: What Not to Do

Truck accidents can be incredibly traumatic experiences, often resulting in severe injuries, extensive property damage, and emotional distress. In the aftermath of such a harrowing event, navigating the intricate landscape of insurance claims and legal proceedings can be daunting, especially when faced with formidable trucking companies and their insurers. However, with the right guidance and legal representation, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure fair compensation for your losses. With dedication, our team of seasoned trucking accident attorneys at Wojcik Law in Oak Lawn, Illinois will guide you through every step of the trucking accident insurance claim process, steering you away from potential pitfalls toward a successful resolution.

Understanding Your Options: Negotiation or Litigation

One of the initial decisions you'll confront after a truck accident is whether to pursue negotiation or litigation to resolve your claim. Negotiation involves engaging in discussions with the insurance company to reach a settlement without resorting to court proceedings. While this approach may lead to a quicker resolution and circumvent the uncertainties of litigation, it's crucial to approach negotiations cautiously.

Multi-Step Process of Truck Accident INSURANCE Claims

Here's a breakdown of the key stages involved in navigating a trucking accident injury claim:

Evidence Gathering and Trucking Accident Investigation

To establish negligence and identify the liable party, Wojcik Law Firm meticulously gathers evidence, including:

  • Police report: These official documents detail the accident scene, witness statements, and initial observations by responding officers.

  • Medical records: Detailed medical records document the extent of your injuries, treatment received, and projected future medical needs.

  • Witness statements: Corroborating witness testimonies can significantly strengthen your case.

  • Accident scene photographs: Capturing the scene from various angles helps reconstruct the accident and document vehicle damage, skid marks, and road conditions.

  • Truck driver logs: These logs can reveal potential violations of driving regulations, such as exceeding driving hours, which could contribute to fatigue-related accidents.

Injury Demand Letter

We draft a comprehensive demand letter outlining the extent of your injuries, the impact on your life, and a fair settlement amount. This document serves as the official opening of settlement discussions with the commercial truck insurance companies.

Negotiation and Settlement

Wojcik Law Firm negotiates aggressively on your behalf to secure a settlement that adequately covers your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages in your trucking accident insurance claim. In many cases, a mutually agreeable settlement can be reached within weeks or months.

Filing a Lawsuit

If negotiations fail to yield a fair outcome, we can file a lawsuit against the responsible party with our experienced semi-truck accident injury lawyers. This must typically be done within the two-year statute of limitations outlined in Illinois Revised Code Section 735 ILCS 5/13-202.

Understanding TruckING Accident Lawsuits: Assigning Responsibility

Truck accidents often involve multiple parties, including the truck driver, trucking company, maintenance providers, and manufacturers. Assigning responsibility in such cases requires a thorough investigation to determine who breached their duty of care and contributed to the accident. Our skilled trucking accident insurance claim legal team meticulously analyzes the circumstances surrounding the crash to hold the negligent parties accountable and maximize your chances of obtaining fair compensation.

The TRUCKING ACCIDENT Discovery Phase: Unveiling the ACCIDENT Details

During the discovery phase of a truck accident lawsuit, both parties exchange information and evidence relevant to the case. This phase allows us to uncover crucial details that can strengthen your claim, such as internal company policies, training records, and communication logs. By meticulously scrutinizing every piece of evidence, we build a compelling case that highlights the negligence of the responsible parties.

The Key to Success: Building a Strong TRUCKING ACCIDENT Case with Wojcik Law

The success of your truck accident claim hinges on the strength of your case and the expertise of your legal representation. At Wojcik Law, we leverage our extensive experience and resources to build robust cases that stand up to scrutiny. To win your case, Wojcik Law Firm works diligently to establish three key elements:

  1. Fault and Liability: We present compelling evidence demonstrating that the other party's negligence caused your accident. This may involve expert witness testimony, accident reconstruction analysis, and detailed examination of evidence gathered during the investigation.

  2. Damages: We meticulously document your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses to determine a fair compensation amount in your truck accident injury claim. This includes gathering medical bills, pay stubs, and any evidence demonstrating the impact of your injuries on your daily life and earning capacity.

  3. Financial Responsibility: We argue why the other party should be held financially accountable for your damages. This involves presenting a clear and concise legal argument supported by evidence demonstrating their negligence and the resulting losses you have incurred.

Given the complexities of litigation, having an experienced truck accident law firm by your side is crucial. Wojcik Law Firm understands the emotional toll accidents take and is committed to advocating for your rights throughout the legal process.

Steering Clear of Common Mistakes After a Truck Accident

Avoiding certain pitfalls is crucial to the success of your truck accident claim. Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Delaying medical treatment: Failing to seek prompt medical attention can not only jeopardize your health but also weaken your claim by allowing the insurance company to argue that your injuries were not severe or were caused by something other than the accident.

  • Providing recorded statements: Insurance adjusters may pressure you into providing recorded statements that can be used against you later. It's essential to consult with your attorney before speaking to insurance representatives.

  • Accepting a quick settlement: Insurance companies often offer quick settlements that may seem tempting, but they rarely reflect the full extent of your damages. It's crucial to consult with your attorney to determine the true value of your claim before accepting any settlement offers.

Recoverable Damages in Commercial Truck Accidents

In a commercial truck accident case, you may be entitled to various types of damages, including:

  • Medical expenses: This includes past and future medical bills related to your injuries.

  • Lost wages: If your injuries prevent you from working, you may be entitled to compensation for lost income.

  • Pain and suffering: Non-economic damages such as physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life may also be recoverable.

  • Punitive damages: In cases of egregious negligence, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party and deter similar conduct in the future.

Contact Our Experienced Truck Accident Injury Lawyers at Wojcik Law Firm Today

If you've been injured in a truck accident in the Chicagoland Area, don't hesitate to seek legal representation. Our skilled truck accident attorneys at Wojcik Law Firm have the knowledge, experience, and resources to help you navigate the complexities of insurance claims and legal proceedings. Contact us today, and let us fight for the compensation you deserve. Remember, the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can begin working on your case and help you navigate the road to recovery.

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Car Accident Claims

Car accidents can be a traumatic experience, and dealing with the aftermath can be overwhelming. Amid the chaos, it's easy to fall victim to common myths and misconceptions about car accident claims. These myths can lead to misunderstandings and potentially hinder your ability to recover the compensation you deserve. Let's debunk some of the most prevalent myths surrounding car accident claims and provide you with the facts you need to navigate the process effectively.

Myth #1: You Don't Need a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident

While it's true that not every car accident requires legal representation, it's a mistake to assume that minor accidents can't benefit from an attorney's expertise. In many cases, even seemingly minor accidents can lead to hidden injuries or complications that may not be apparent immediately. An experienced attorney can help you assess the true extent of your injuries and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Myth #2: Insurance Companies Always Have Your Best Interests at Heart

Insurance companies are businesses whose primary goal is to maximize their profits. This means that, in some cases, they may try to minimize your claim or deny it altogether. It's crucial to remember that insurance adjusters are not working for your benefit; they work for the insurance company. Consulting with an attorney can level the playing field and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the claims process.

Myth #3: You Have to Accept the First Settlement Offer

Insurance companies often make initial settlement offers that may not fully cover your expenses or damages. It's essential to remember that these offers are typically designed to minimize the insurance company's liability. You have the right to negotiate and seek a fair settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and losses. An attorney can help you assess the value of your claim and negotiate on your behalf to secure a more favorable outcome.

Myth #4: Filing a Lawsuit Means Going to Court

The majority of car accident claims are resolved through negotiations and settlements without the need for a court trial. Filing a lawsuit is often a strategic step taken when negotiations fail to yield a fair resolution. Even if you do file a lawsuit, many cases are still settled before they reach the courtroom. Your attorney will work to achieve the best outcome for you, whether it involves settling out of court or pursuing a trial if necessary.

Myth #5: You Can Wait to Pursue a Claim

Waiting too long to pursue a car accident claim can jeopardize your chances of success. Each state has a statute of limitations that dictates the timeframe within which you must file a claim. In Illinois, you have two years from the date of the car accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. This two-year limit is known as the statute of limitations. If you miss this deadline, you may lose your right to seek compensation entirely. It's crucial to consult with an attorney promptly after an accident to ensure that your claim is filed within the applicable statute of limitations.

Myth #6: All Lawyers Are the Same

Not all lawyers are equal, and choosing the right attorney can significantly affect the outcome of your car accident claim. It's essential to select an attorney with experience in personal injury law, specifically car accidents. Look for a lawyer who has a track record of success in handling cases similar to yours and who understands the nuances of the legal process involved in car accident claims. At Wojcik Law, we have a lengthy track record for successfully handling cases for victims of car accidents. You can see for yourself and read some of our case results here. 

Myth #7: Your Health Insurance Will Cover All Your Medical Bills

While your health insurance may cover some of your medical expenses, it may not cover all of them, and you may be left with significant out-of-pocket costs. Additionally, if you receive a settlement from the at-fault driver's insurance company, they may seek reimbursement from your health insurance for the medical expenses they paid. An attorney can help you navigate these complex interactions and ensure that your medical bills are appropriately accounted for in your claim.

Myth #8: You Can Handle the Claim on Your Own

Car accident claims involve a complex legal process that can be challenging to navigate without the assistance of an experienced attorney. From gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies and understanding the applicable laws and regulations, there are many factors to consider. Attempting to handle a claim on your own may result in receiving less compensation than you deserve or making costly mistakes.

Myth #9: You Only Need to Prove Fault to Win Your Claim

While proving fault is an essential aspect of a car accident claim, it's not the only factor. You also need to demonstrate the extent of your injuries, the damages you've suffered, and how they have impacted your life. Insurance companies will often dispute the severity of your injuries and the level of compensation you deserve. An attorney can help you build a comprehensive case that takes all these factors into account.

Have You Been The Victim of a Car Accident? Let Wojcik Law Help 

Debunking these common myths and misconceptions about car accident claims can help you make informed decisions and protect your rights after a car accident. Remember that every case is unique, and consulting with an experienced attorney at Wojcik Law is the best way to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, don't hesitate to reach out to our experienced team at Wojcik Law for expert legal guidance and support. Your well-being and financial recovery are our top priorities.

The Role of Black Ice in Trucking Accidents and Legal Claims

When it comes to trucking accidents, numerous factors can contribute to these devastating events. From driver fatigue to mechanical failures, the causes of trucking accidents can vary widely. However, black ice is a particularly treacherous factor that often goes unnoticed until it's too late.

Keep reading because we are going to delve into the role of black ice in trucking accidents, the legal claims that may arise as a result, and how the experienced team at Wojcik Law in Chicago, IL, can help victims seek justice and compensation.

What Is Black Ice?

Black ice, also known as invisible or clear ice, is a thin layer of ice forming on road surfaces. It gets its name from its transparency, making it nearly impossible for drivers to detect with the naked eye. Unlike the visible white ice that forms during snowstorms or freezing rain, black ice can form without warning, even on roads that appear dry.

This stealthy menace typically forms under specific weather conditions. When temperatures hover around freezing, moisture on the road can freeze rapidly, creating a thin, almost invisible layer of ice. This can happen on bridges, overpasses, and shaded areas, making it extremely hazardous for all vehicles, especially large trucks.

The Dangers of Black Ice in Trucking Accidents

Truck drivers face numerous challenges on the road, and black ice adds an extra layer of danger to their already demanding jobs. Here's why black ice is particularly hazardous in trucking accidents:

Reduced Traction

Black ice provides virtually no traction. When a truck encounters this slippery surface, the driver may lose control of the vehicle, making it difficult to steer, brake, or accelerate. This reduced traction can lead to accidents when trucks are unable to stop in time or maneuver safely.

Increased Stopping Distances

Trucks require significantly longer distances to come to a complete stop compared to passenger vehicles. When black ice is present, the already extensive stopping distance becomes even greater. This can lead to rear-end collisions, as well as collisions at intersections and on highways.


Jackknifing is a terrifying scenario where a truck's cab and trailer fold together, resembling the shape of a jackknife. Black ice can cause trucks to jackknife because the trailer can lose traction while the cab retains some traction, leading to a loss of control and a potential collision.


Truck rollovers are among the deadliest accidents on the road. When a truck loses traction due to black ice, it becomes more susceptible to tipping over. Rollovers can result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities, not only for the truck driver but also for other motorists and pedestrians.

Multi-Vehicle Pileups

When a truck loses control on black ice, it can set off a chain reaction, leading to multi-vehicle pileups. These accidents can involve numerous vehicles and lead to extensive property damage, injuries, and fatalities.

Legal Claims in Trucking Accidents Involving Black Ice

Trucking accidents involving black ice can have devastating consequences. Victims may suffer severe injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma. In such cases, it's crucial to understand the potential legal claims that can arise:

Negligence Claims

Negligence is a common basis for legal claims in trucking accidents. Truck drivers and their employers have a duty to operate their vehicles safely and adhere to federal and state regulations. If a trucking company or driver fails to take appropriate precautions in icy conditions, they may be deemed negligent.

Examples of negligence in black ice accidents include:

  • Failure to adjust speed: Truck drivers are expected to reduce their speed when encountering adverse weather conditions like black ice. Failing to do so can be considered negligence.

  • Failure to equip trucks: Trucking companies must ensure that their vehicles are equipped with proper tires and equipment for winter driving. Neglecting to provide appropriate gear can be a negligent act.

  • Failure to properly train drivers: Trucking companies must train their drivers to handle various weather conditions, including icy roads. If a driver lacks the necessary training to navigate black ice safely, it can be considered negligence on the part of the company.

Product Liability Claims

Sometimes, accidents can be caused by defective truck equipment or components, such as faulty brakes or tires. In such cases, victims may pursue product liability claims against the manufacturers or distributors of these defective products.

Wrongful Death Claims

Tragically, black ice accidents can result in fatal injuries. Surviving family members may file wrongful death claims to seek compensation for their loved one's untimely death. These claims can help cover funeral expenses, medical bills, and loss of income.

Property Damage Claims

In black ice accidents involving trucks, property damage can be extensive. Victims may file property damage claims to recover the costs of repairing or replacing their vehicles, as well as other damaged property.

Insurance Claims

Insurance plays a significant role in compensating victims of trucking accidents. Victims can file claims with their own insurance companies or pursue claims against the trucking company's insurance provider.

How Wojcik Law Can Help

Navigating the legal aftermath of a trucking accident involving black ice can be complex and overwhelming, especially when dealing with injuries and emotional distress. That's where the experienced team at Wojcik Law comes in. Here's how we can assist you:

  1. Thorough Investigation: Our skilled attorneys will conduct a comprehensive investigation into the accident to determine liability. We will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and consult with experts to build a strong case on your behalf.

  2. Expert Negotiation: We understand that insurance companies may try to settle for the lowest possible amount. Our attorneys have extensive experience in negotiating with insurance adjusters to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

  3. Litigation if Necessary: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, our attorneys are prepared to take your case to court. We will advocate aggressively on your behalf and fight for your rights in the courtroom.

  4. Compassionate Support: We know that dealing with the aftermath of a trucking accident can be emotionally taxing. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate support throughout the legal process, ensuring that you are not alone during this difficult time.

  5. Maximizing Compensation: Our goal is to help you maximize your compensation, covering medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. We will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the financial support you deserve.

Receive the Compensation You Deserve With Wojcik Law

Trucking accidents involving black ice are particularly dangerous and can result in devastating consequences. Victims of these accidents may face severe injuries, emotional trauma, and significant financial burdens. Seeking legal representation is essential to pursuing the compensation you deserve.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident caused by black ice, don't hesitate to contact Wojcik Law in Chicago, IL. Our experienced team of attorneys is here to help you navigate the legal process, protect your rights, and seek justice. You don't have to face the aftermath of a trucking accident alone – let us fight for you. 

The Role of Experts in Winter Car Accident Cases

Winter weather brings with it a unique set of challenges for drivers. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can create hazardous road conditions that significantly increase the risk of car accidents. When accidents occur in winter, it's essential to understand the crucial role that experts play in determining liability and securing fair compensation for the victims. At Wojcik Law, we recognize the significance of expert testimony in winter car accident cases, and in this blog post, we'll explore their essential role in helping accident victims seek justice.

The Complex Nature of Winter Car Accidents

Winter car accidents can be particularly complex because they involve a combination of factors that aren't typically present in accidents during other seasons. These factors include:

  • Slippery Roads: Snow and ice-covered roads can reduce traction, making it difficult for drivers to control their vehicles.

  • Reduced Visibility: Snowfall, fog, and freezing rain can significantly reduce visibility, increasing the risk of accidents.

  • Vehicle Malfunctions: Cold weather can cause vehicle components, such as brakes and tires, to function less effectively.

  • Driver Behavior: Winter conditions may require drivers to adjust their behavior, such as reducing speed and increasing following distances.

These factors, combined with the potential involvement of multiple vehicles and varying degrees of negligence, make winter car accident cases intricate and challenging to resolve without expert assistance.

The Role of Accident Reconstruction Experts

Accident reconstruction experts are professionals who specialize in recreating the events leading up to an accident. In winter car accident cases, their role is critical in establishing how the accident occurred and who was at fault. Here are some ways in which accident reconstruction experts assist in these cases:

Determining the Sequence of Events

Accident reconstruction experts meticulously study the accident scene, vehicle damage, and any available evidence, such as skid marks and witness statements, to piece together the sequence of events leading up to the accident. This helps establish the exact moments when various factors, such as slippery roads or driver actions, contributed to the crash.

Calculating Vehicle Speeds

In winter accidents, the speed at which vehicles were traveling can be a crucial factor in determining liability. Experts use physics and engineering principles to calculate vehicle speeds based on evidence from the scene, allowing them to determine if a driver was traveling too fast for the conditions.

Assessing Driver Behavior

Accident reconstruction experts also evaluate driver behavior leading up to the accident. Did a driver fail to adjust their speed for the road conditions? Did they follow at a safe distance? Did they apply the brakes correctly? These assessments can be instrumental in determining negligence.

Analyzing Weather Conditions

Experts consider the weather conditions at the time of the accident, including temperature, visibility, precipitation, and road conditions. This information helps establish whether the weather played a significant role in causing the accident and whether drivers should have adjusted their behavior accordingly.

Weather and Road Conditions Experts

Another essential type of expert in winter car accident cases is weather and road conditions experts. These professionals have the expertise to analyze weather data, road maintenance practices, and how they may have contributed to the accident. Here's how they help:

Analyzing Weather Data

Weather experts can provide valuable insights into the specific weather conditions that prevailed at the time of the accident. They can determine if the weather conditions were severe enough to warrant caution or if they were unexpected.

Assessing Road Maintenance Practices

Road conditions can vary depending on how well a municipality or agency maintains the roads during winter. Weather and road conditions experts can evaluate whether the responsible entity adequately addressed snow and ice removal, road salting, and other maintenance practices.

Determining Negligence

These experts can determine whether the responsible party failed to take appropriate measures given the weather conditions. If poor road maintenance contributed to the accident, it may be possible to hold the responsible entity liable for damages.

Medical Experts

In winter car accident cases, medical experts play a crucial role in assessing and documenting the extent of injuries sustained by accident victims. Their contributions include:

Evaluating Injuries

Medical experts assess the injuries sustained by accident victims and provide expert opinions on the cause, severity, and long-term consequences of those injuries. This information is essential for determining the appropriate compensation amount.

Determining Causation

Medical experts can also determine whether the injuries were a direct result of the accident. In some cases, injuries may be exacerbated by winter conditions, such as slippery roads, making it essential to establish a clear link between the accident and the injuries.

Providing Treatment Prognosis

Medical experts can offer insights into the expected course of treatment and rehabilitation for accident victims. This information helps in estimating future medical expenses and the impact of injuries on the victim's life.

Legal Experts

In addition to these technical experts, legal professionals from Wojcik Law play a pivotal role in winter car accident cases. Our experienced attorneys use the expert testimony and evidence gathered to build a compelling case for our clients. We work diligently to ensure that our clients receive the compensation they deserve.

Have You or a Loved One Been Involved in a Car Accident? Contact Wojcik Law 

Winter car accidents are complex cases that demand a multi-faceted approach to determine liability and secure fair compensation. Expert testimony from accident reconstruction experts, weather and road conditions experts, medical professionals, and experienced legal professionals is essential in these cases. 

At Wojcik Law, we understand the importance of experts in helping accident victims seek justice. If you or a loved one has been involved in a winter car accident in the Chicagoland area, don't hesitate to reach out to us for expert legal guidance and representation. We're here to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve in the aftermath of a winter car accident.

Pursuing Compensation for a Hit and Run Accident: A Comprehensive Guide by Wojcik Law

In the blink of an eye, a hit-and-run accident can turn your life upside down. The shock and confusion that follow such an incident are overwhelming, but it's crucial to remember that you have rights and options. At Wojcik Law, we understand the challenges victims face when dealing with hit-and-run accidents. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of pursuing compensation and seeking justice for the damages you've suffered.

Understanding Hit and Run Accidents

A hit-and-run accident occurs when a driver involved in a collision leaves the scene without stopping to identify themselves or provide necessary information. This illegal act compounds the physical and emotional trauma experienced by victims. Identifying the responsible party becomes a critical first step in pursuing compensation.

Immediate Actions to Take

  1. Contact Law Enforcement: Report the incident to the police immediately. Provide as much detail as possible about the accident, the vehicle, and the driver. Quick action can enhance the chances of locating the responsible party.

  2. Gather Information: If possible, collect information from witnesses, take pictures of the accident scene, and note the time and location. This evidence can be invaluable in the investigation.

  3. Seek Medical Attention: Even if injuries seem minor, seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may not manifest immediately, and a medical record will be essential for your case.

Legal Options for Hit-and-Run Victims

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

If the hit-and-run driver cannot be identified or is uninsured, your own insurance policy may provide coverage through uninsured motorist (UM) or underinsured motorist (UIM) provisions. These coverages can help compensate for medical expenses, property damage, and other losses.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

If the responsible party is identified, pursuing a personal injury lawsuit may be an option. Wojcik Law specializes in personal injury cases, and our experienced attorneys can guide you through the legal process.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Engaging legal representation is crucial in hit-and-run cases. An experienced attorney can:

  • Investigate the Incident: Attorneys at Wojcik Law will conduct a thorough investigation to identify the responsible party. This may involve working with law enforcement, utilizing surveillance footage, and interviewing witnesses.

  • Negotiate with Insurance Companies: Our attorneys have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies. We will work tirelessly to ensure you receive fair compensation for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

  • Navigate Legal Complexities: Hit-and-run cases can be legally complex. We understand the intricacies of the legal system and will guide you through the process, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way.

  • Litigate When Necessary: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, our legal team is prepared to take your case to court. We have a track record of success in the courtroom and will vigorously advocate for your rights.

What NOT to Do if You're the Victim of a Hit and Run

Experiencing a hit-and-run accident is a traumatic and disorienting event. In the midst of shock and confusion, it's crucial to avoid common pitfalls that could potentially jeopardize your ability to seek compensation. Here are key actions to avoid:

Chasing the Fleeing Driver

While the immediate instinct may be to pursue the fleeing driver, it's highly advisable not to. Chasing the responsible party can lead to further danger, additional accidents, or even escalate the situation. Instead, focus on noting as many details as possible about the vehicle, such as the make, model, color, and license plate number, and provide this information to law enforcement.

Delaying Medical Attention

Even if you feel relatively unharmed immediately after the accident, delaying medical attention is a mistake. Some injuries may not manifest symptoms immediately, and a prompt medical examination creates a record linking your injuries to the hit-and-run incident. This medical documentation is crucial when seeking compensation for medical expenses.

Neglecting to Report the Incident to the Police

Reporting the hit-and-run to law enforcement promptly is essential. Some victims may hesitate to involve the police, especially if the damage seems minor. However, having an official police report is crucial when filing an insurance claim or pursuing legal action. Without a police report, the process of seeking compensation becomes significantly more challenging.

Failing to Gather Evidence

In the chaos following a hit-and-run, collecting evidence may not be the first thing on your mind. However, gathering information about the accident scene, taking photographs, and noting details such as weather conditions and road signage can be crucial later on. This evidence can support your case and assist law enforcement in their investigation.

Accepting Quick Settlement Offers

Insurance companies may approach you with quick settlement offers, hoping to resolve the matter swiftly and potentially save money. However, these initial offers are often far below the actual cost of damages and injuries. It's essential to consult with an attorney before accepting any settlement to ensure that you are being fairly compensated for your losses.

Steps to Pursuing Compensation

Document Everything

Compile all relevant information about the accident, including police reports, medical records, and any communication with insurance companies. This documentation will be crucial in building a strong case.

Identify the Responsible Party

Our legal team will work tirelessly to identify the hit-and-run driver. This may involve collaborating with law enforcement, utilizing private investigators, and leveraging any available evidence.

File an Insurance Claim

If the responsible party is identified, we will assist you in filing an insurance claim. If not, we'll guide you through the process of utilizing your uninsured motorist coverage.

Negotiation and Settlement

Our skilled negotiators will engage with insurance companies to secure a fair settlement. We will advocate for your rights and ensure you are not taken advantage of during the negotiation process.

Litigation if Necessary

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, our legal team will not hesitate to take your case to court. We are well-prepared to litigate on your behalf and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Contact Wojcik Law if You Have Been the Victim of a Hit-and-Run 

A hit-and-run accident can leave victims in a vulnerable and uncertain position. However, with the right legal representation, you can navigate the complexities of the legal system and pursue the compensation you need to rebuild your life. At Wojcik Law, our dedicated team is committed to helping hit-and-run victims seek justice. Contact us today, and let us guide you on the path to recovery.

Avoiding Common Mistakes that Can Impact Your Trucking Accident Case

Accidents involving commercial trucks can be devastating, resulting in severe injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. If you've been involved in a trucking accident, pursuing a personal injury claim is essential to recover damages for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, navigating the legal process is not an easy process on your own and can be very complex. There are common mistakes that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Let's take a look at some of these pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Not Seeking Medical Attention Immediately

Mistake 1: Not Seeking Medical Attention Immediately

One of the most critical mistakes you can make after a trucking accident is failing to seek immediate medical attention. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, some injuries may not show symptoms until later. Delaying medical treatment not only jeopardizes your health but also weakens your personal injury case. Insurance companies often use gaps in medical treatment as a reason to deny or devalue claims.

Always prioritize your health and well-being after an accident. Seek medical attention promptly, and follow your doctor's recommendations. Document all medical visits, treatments, and prescribed medications. This documentation will serve as crucial evidence in your case.

Mistake 2: Not Contacting Law Enforcement

Another mistake that a lot of people make is failing to contact law enforcement after a trucking accident. While some accidents may seem minor, having a police report can be invaluable in determining liability and establishing the facts of the incident.

Regardless of the severity of the accident, call the police and file a report. Provide a detailed account of the accident to the responding officers. This report will help clarify the events leading up to the accident, contributing to a stronger case.

Mistake 3: Admitting Fault at the Scene

Following an accident, it is completely normal and natural to feel shocked or disoriented. However, admitting fault at the scene will harm your case significantly. Avoid making any statements that imply you are responsible for the accident, even if you feel as though you may have contributed to it. 

Stick to the facts when discussing the accident with others involved. Exchange contact and insurance information, but avoid apologizing or admitting guilt. Leave liability determination to the professionals, such as insurance adjusters and attorneys.

Mistake 4: Not Collecting Evidence

Effective evidence collection is vital in building a strong case. Failing to gather evidence at the accident scene can hinder your ability to prove liability and damages. Remember, the first thing you need to do is seek immediate medical help; however, if you can, gather as much evidence as possible. Take the following steps to collect evidence:

  • Photographs: Use your smartphone or a camera to take pictures of the accident scene, vehicle damage, road conditions, traffic signs, and any visible injuries.

  • Witness Statements: Obtain contact information from witnesses and ask them to provide statements regarding what they saw.

  • Truck Information: Record the truck's license plate number, company name, and driver's information.

  • Police Report: Obtain a copy of the police report, as it will contain valuable information about the accident.

Mistake 5: Communicating with the Trucking Company's Insurance Adjuster

After a trucking accident, you may receive a call from the trucking company's insurance adjuster. While they may seem friendly and concerned about your well-being, their primary goal is to minimize the company's liability and payout.

Politely decline to speak with the insurance adjuster until you've consulted with an attorney. Your lawyer can help protect your interests and ensure that you don't inadvertently say anything that could harm your case.

Mistake 6: Neglecting to Hire an Experienced Attorney

Perhaps one of the most significant mistakes you can make is attempting to handle your trucking accident case without legal representation. Trucking accidents involve complex legal and insurance issues, and the trucking industry has its own set of regulations.

Hire an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in trucking accident cases. They will have the expertise and resources to investigate the accident, negotiate with insurance companies, and pursue legal action if necessary.

Mistake 7: Signing Settlement Agreements Prematurely

Insurance companies may offer quick settlement agreements in the hope of closing the case for less than it's worth. Accepting a settlement before fully understanding the extent of your injuries and damages can be a costly mistake.

Consult with your attorney before accepting any settlement offers. Your lawyer will evaluate the offer's fairness and negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive adequate compensation for your losses.

Mistake 8: Ignoring the Statute of Limitations

Every state has a statute of limitations, which is the time limit within which you must file a personal injury lawsuit. Failing to meet this deadline can result in the dismissal of your case. In Illinois, if you have been injured in a car accident, you must file your case before two years have passed. We understand you may be in a battle to improve your physical and mental state following an accident and may not be up to start your legal fight right away. However, it is essential that you contact an attorney as soon as possible so that you have the best chance of getting compensation. 

Mistake 10: Neglecting the Long-Term Impact

Don't focus solely on immediate medical expenses and vehicle damage. Trucking accidents can result in long-term physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Failing to consider these long-term impacts can leave you undercompensated.

Work with your attorney to assess the full extent of your damages, including future medical expenses, lost earning potential, and pain and suffering. Ensure that your claim accounts for all current and future costs.

Have You Been Involved in a Trucking Accident? Avoid Making a Mistake and Contact Wojcik Law

If you have been involved in an accident, we completely understand the stress and worry you are feeling. Our services are tailored to ensure that you get all of the help, advice, and compensation that you deserve. Our priority is assisting you throughout the entire process. So, if you have been involved in a trucking accident, avoid mistakes and get the compensation you deserve with Wojcik Law. Schedule a meeting with us today. 

The Importance of Expert Witnesses in Trucking Accident Cases

The Importance of Expert Witnesses in Trucking Accident Cases

When a massive commercial truck collides with a smaller vehicle, the consequences can be catastrophic. Trucking accidents often result in agonizing injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. Determining liability in these cases can be complex, as multiple factors come into play. This is where expert witnesses become invaluable. If you have been involved in a trucking accident and are wondering how to navigate the process, keep on reading because we are going to explore the crucial role of an expert witness in trucking accident cases. 

Understanding the Complexity of Trucking Accident Cases

Trucking accidents are not like normal car-on-car accidents. They involve a wide array of factors that have the potential to significantly impact the outcome of a case. These factors may include:  

  • Federal Regulations:  The trucking industry is heavily regulated by federal agencies such as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Violations of any of these regulations can be a critical factor in determining liability.

  • Vehicle Maintenance: It's the truckers and the trucking companies' responsibility to ensure that their truck is up to date on maintenance. A poorly maintained truck is like a ticking time bomb. One small thing goes wrong, and disaster occurs. Expert witnesses can assess whether the truck involved in the accident was maintained correctly and whether any maintenance-related issues contributed to the crash.

  • Driver Training and Behavior: Truck drivers must undergo rigorous training and adhere to specific safety protocols before heading out on the road. Determining whether the driver's actions or lack of training played a role in the accident can be a crucial aspect of a case.

  • Accident Reconstruction: Understanding how the accident occurred often requires the expertise of accident reconstruction specialists. These experts use scientific methods to recreate the accident scene and provide insights into who was at fault.

  • Mechanical Failures: Sometimes, accidents occur due to mechanical failures in the truck's components, such as brakes or tires. Experts can inspect the wreckage and identify any mechanical issues that contributed to the accident.

Given the complexity of these cases, it's clear why expert witnesses are indispensable.

The Role of Expert Witnesses


When many hear the word witnesses when regarding an accident, they often think of someone who was there when it occurred. However, expert witnesses are a bit different. They are individuals who hold specialties. Knowledge and experience in a particular field relevant to the case. In trucking accident cases, various types of expert witnesses can provide invaluable insights:

Accident Reconstruction Experts

These "detectives of the trucking accident world" meticulously examine the accident scene, analyze physical evidence, review witness statements, and use advanced software to recreate the events leading up to the crash. Their testimony will clearly show how the accident occurred and who was at fault.

Mechanical Engineers

They can identify whether faulty brakes, defective tires, or other mechanical issues played a role in the accident. Their expertise can help establish liability on the part of the trucking company or manufacturer.

Truck Safety Experts

Truck safety experts are well-versed in federal regulations governing the trucking industry. They can evaluate whether the trucking company and its drivers complied with these regulations. 

Medical Experts

In cases involving severe injuries, medical experts can provide critical testimony. They can explain the extent of the victim's injuries, the medical treatment required, and the long-term impact on the victim's life. This information is essential in showing the court the various reasons you need the compensation that you are seeking. 

Why Expert Witnesses Are Crucial

Why Expert Witnesses Are Crucial

Now that we have a clearer understanding of the various types of expert witnesses that can become involved in trucking accident cases. Let's look into why their testimonials are so essential, especially if your case ends up going to court.

1. Credibility 

Expert witnesses are seen as impartial professionals who do not benefit from whatever the outcome may be. This credibility can be crucial when trying to convince a jury and or a judge of the validity of your argument. Their testimony will back up what you have been saying all along; that you were physically, mentally, and emotionally harmed due to the negligence of a truck driver and their company. 

2. Simplify Complex Information

Trucking accident cases often involve complex technical details, some of which may not be able to be completely understood by others in court. These experts take the complex information and ensure to simplify it, making sure that everyone who hears it, like jurors, can truly grasp the seriousness of the accident. Their clear and concise explanations can help everyone in the courtroom understand the critical issues at hand.

3. Strengthen Your Case

The spoken word of yourself, any passengers in the vehicle, or any standby witnesses about what happened can only go so far. Expert witnesses will provide both evidence and analysis that will strengthen your claims and overall case. One of the best examples of this is when accident reconstruction experts recreate the accident and how it occurred, leaving almost no room for any doubt. 

4. They Counter the Opposition's Experts

In many cases, the opposing side will also present expert witnesses. Your expert witnesses can counter their testimony, providing a well-rounded perspective and ensuring that the judge and jury have access to all the relevant information.

5. They Assist in Settlement Negotiations

Expert witnesses can play a crucial role in settlement negotiations. When the other party sees that you have strong expert testimony on your side, they may be more inclined to settle the case rather than risk a trial.

Have You Been Involved in a Trucking Accident? Contact Wojcik Law Today

Trucking accident cases are complex and multifaceted, and determining liability can be challenging. Expert witnesses are an indispensable part of the legal process in such cases. They bring specialized knowledge and experience, providing critical insights that can make or break a case. At Wojcik Law, our main priority is ensuring you get compensation for all of the suffering you have endured and all of the pain you are going to have to navigate going forward. We will assist in contracting expert witnesses to build your case and ensure the negligent party is held accountable. Schedule an appointment with us today.

Investigating a Trucking Accident: What Evidence We Look for and How We Use It to Build a Strong Case

Investigating a Trucking Accident What Evidence We Look for and How We Use It to Build a Strong Case

Due to the nature of their size, accidents involving trucks can be devastating. They tend to lead to more severe injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. When these horrible accidents occur, a thorough investigation must be conducted to determine the cause and establish who is liable for it. Gathering and analyzing evidence plays a critical role in building a solid case for trucking accident victims. We will review the vital pieces of evidence our firm looks for in trucking accidents and how we utilize them to construct a compelling legal argument and case. 

The Importance of Prompt Investigation

Trucking accidents often result in considerable damage and are highly complex because so many different parties are involved. Those who are involved in trucking accidents often include: 

  • Truck driver 

  • Trucking company 

  • Third-party vehicles 

If you have been involved in a trucking accident, time is of the essence. Conducting a prompt investigation is crucial to ensure that all evidence is preserved before it's lost, destroyed, or can no longer be examined. Critical evidence can disappear or become compromised with each passing day. So, to ensure that your legal team can build the strongest case for you, contact a lawyer immediately following an accident, and they will get straight to work. 

Evidence in Trucking Accident Investigations

Truck Accident Lawyer in Chicago

Accident Scene Examination

Investigating officers and accident reconstruction experts thoroughly examine the accident scene to gather vital information. This includes taking photographs, measurements, and sketches to document the conditions, road markings, debris patterns, and other factors that may have contributed to the accident.

Vehicle Inspection

Detailed inspection of the involved vehicles is essential to identify any mechanical failures, defects, or maintenance issues. Legal investigators will examine the trucks: 

  • Brakes

  • Tires

  • Lights

  • Steering components

  • Other relevant parts

Gathering data from the truck's onboard electronic systems, such as the event data recorder (EDR) or electronic control module (ECM), provides valuable insights into the truck's speed, braking, and other operational parameters before the accident.

Driver Records and Interviews

Investigators thoroughly examine the truck driver's records, including their driving history, hours of service logs, and compliance with federal regulations. Interviews with the driver and witnesses are conducted to gather additional information and testimonies about the events leading up to the accident. This step is generally to determine whether or not driver fatigue was the cause of the accident. 

Company Policies and Practices

Investigators analyze the trucking company's policies and practices to determine if they adhere to industry standards and federal regulations. This includes evaluating hiring procedures, training protocols, vehicle maintenance records, and compliance with hours-of-service laws. Any negligence or non-compliance discovered can significantly impact the trucking company's liability.

Building a Strong Case

Building a Strong Case

At Wojcik Law, we are dedicated to our clients and ensure we do whatever it takes to get victims of trucking accidents the compensations that they deserve! Once we have all the evidence we need collected, we will utilize it to effectively build a strong case. Here is how we use the evidence that we gather: 

Establishing Liability 

We utilize this evidence to establish who was at fault by demonstrating negligence on the part of the truck driver, trucking company, or any other parties involved. We aim to present evidence of the following: 

  • Speeding 

  • Driver fatigue 

  • Distracted driving 

  • Inadequate maintenance 

  • Unsafe driving conditions 

  • Among other violations of regulations or industry standards

Demonstrating Damages

Gathering evidence also is extremely crucial for the fact that we need to demonstrate the extent of damages that the victims have suffered. This includes medical records, expert opinions on injuries, the probability of long-term care following the accident, and any other documentation that helps represent the accident's physical, emotional, and financial impact on the victims' lives. 

Negotiation and Litigation

By gathering evidence, we will strengthen the position that we are in to negotiate and provide a robust basis for reaching a settlement. Many insurance companies want to do whatever they can to pay the absolute minimum. Sometimes, a fair settlement cannot be reached; in those cases, the evidence will serve as the foundation for litigation in a courtroom. The proof will then be presented in court, supporting the victims' claims, which in turn helps them in seeking justice and compensation for the at-fault party's negligence. 

Expert Testimony

One of the most vital parts of any compensation claim is by providing expert testimony from professionals. These may include: 

  • Accident reconstruction experts

  • Medical professionals

  • Industry specialists 

Providing testimony based on their expertise helps the court and jury understand the technical aspects and impact of the accident.

Building a Persuasive Narrative 

Our legal team will combine the evidence and the expert analysis, allowing us to craft a compelling narrative to present to the court or jury. Our narrative will connect all of the dots, showing how negligence, non-compliance, and other factors led to the accident and the damages that the victim has endured. All of this will craft a compelling argument for the victims, providing a strong case. 

What Should You Do If You Were The Victim of a Trucking Accident? 

If you were the unfortunate victim of a trucking accident, the first thing you should do is get immediate medical attention. Due to the seriousness of these types of accidents, you may have sustained great injuries. If you can, collect photos, witness testimonies, and police reports. Contact an expert law firm like Wojcik Law as soon as you can. Our legal team will do everything in our power to collect evidence and build a winnable case, getting you the compensation you deserve. 

One important note is to avoid negligent parties, insurance companies, or legal teams. They aim to pay as little as possible and make the whole problem go away with minimal impact on them. Speak with your lawyer and legal team for expert advice and for help negotiating a settlement that provides you with compensation that covers all current and future medical costs, property damage, and negative emotional effects. If you have been the victim of a trucking accident, contact Wojcik Law immediately! 

William S. Wojcik, LTD. Settlements

William S. Wojcik, LTD., is a premier law firm that has achieved numerous million and multi-million dollar settlements on behalf of our clients. We are proud of our proven track record of success in handling complex legal cases across various practice areas, including personal injury, medical malpractice, and wrongful death. Take a closer look at some of our most notable settlements that showcase our commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. 

Medical Malpractice Settlements

Medical malpractice refers to professional negligence or misconduct by healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, or hospitals, that results in harm or injury to a patient. This can include failure to diagnose or treat a condition, surgical errors, medication mistakes, and failure to obtain informed consent from a patient, among others. Here are notable medical malpractice settlements our clients have received: 


For multiple female plaintiffs whose ob/gyn doctor allegedly performed unnecessary biopsies on them in his office.


$1,500,000.00 settlement with a laboratory in a suit brought by female plaintiffs. Alleged a novel theory that led to recovery, namely, that the laboratory breached its ethical duty to inform women of the lab's concern that their physician was performing unnecessary surgeries on them and that the specimens sent to the lab did not correlate to the body parts their doctor allegedly removed. This case was the first case in the U.S.A. to assert that theory.


An elderly patient entered a hospital for knee replacement. Surgical errors caused vascular injury and required nursing home stay, which resulted in negligent wound care.


$1.2 million settlement on behalf of a newborn baby. The baby was infected perinatally with Hepatitis B. Hospital, and the doctor allegedly failed to administer the Hepatitis B vaccine and Hepatitis B Immune Globulin at birth or during the hospital stay, resulting in a chronic form of Hepatitis infection.

Personal Injury Settlements

Personal injury refers to any physical or emotional harm caused to an individual as a result of another person's negligence or intentional actions. Common examples of personal injury cases include car accidents, slip and fall accidents, defective products, and workplace accidents. 


$2,100,000.00 million settlement for a 34-year-old Lemont pipefitter who was injured when he tripped and fell on stairs at a newly opened commercial office building in Western Springs received $2.1 million in a settlement approved by a Cook County judge. Steven Brocken suffered an ankle sprain which required surgery, and developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in his left foot and ankle, according to his attorney, William S. Wojcik of Oak Lawn. The fall was unwitnessed. Mr. Brocken alleged that his fall was caused by a high stair riser in a rear stairwell at the building. The settlement ended a lawsuit that had been filed in 2006 against the building's owner, 800 Hillgrove LLC., its general contractor, Everett Builders, and several sub-contractors.


Dram Shop $1.13 Settlement for a 42-year-old female who was injured by an alleged intoxicated person (AIP). Plaintiff alleged that she was struck by a female AIP's motor vehicle after she threatened her outside of the front doors of the well-known Merrionette Park tavern complex. Plaintiff alleged that in addition to contributing to the intoxication of the AIP, the tavern failed to take appropriate security measures to protect its patron from foreseeable harm arising from AIP's verbal threats directed toward Plaintiff.


$1,000,000.00 settlement for a laborer who was pinned under a lattice boom crane, which collapsed while he was dismantling. Plaintiff suffered multiple fractures.

Automobile Accidents Settlements


Deft tractor-trailer driver Gary Sucku made a left turn from northbound Archer into the Dolphin Cartage truck yard near Knox. Deft Jason Kondys, driving a Pontiac 70 mph in rainy conditions, struck the rear tandem wheels of Sucku's trailer, causing the F-16 backseat passenger to sustain torn descending aorta requiring a Hemashield graft, epidural hematoma, closed head injury causing ongoing headaches, and traumatic Bell's Palsy which has resolved ($235,000 medl. expense). Pltf is currently seeking her GED and plans to attend college. Confidential insurers paid $3,350,000 for Sucku and a $20,000 policy limit for Kondys. 

$1.5 MILLION Dollars 

$1,500,000.00 settlement to a 56-year-old male who alleged a neck injury when rear-ended in a low-speed collision in Chicago, IL. Defendant disputed the causation, nature, and extent of plaintiff's injuries.


$710,000 settlement to sisters F-13 and F-14, who were traveling in a van owned and operated by a deft transportation company on October 30, 2012. Near the intersection of Joliet and LaGrange (Countryside), the driver allegedly collided with two vehicles and then rear-ended a stopped garbage truck. The 13-year-old suffered a fractured femur (ORIF required), and the 14-year-old suffered a pelvic rami fracture ($78,828 medical expenses total for both pltf). The confidential insurer paid $345,000 to F-13 and $365,00 to F-14.


Female, 49 injured when the shuttle bus she was being transported in struck a pedestrian. Plaintiff walked off the bus but later felt back pain and consulted an Orthopedic Surgeon a month after the accident.


Deft Durley, waived on by stopped drivers in two of three lanes of traffic on southbound Cicero, made a left turn onto westbound 78th St. Deft Talavera, driving a Custom Staffing Inc. (CSI) club wagon van (15-seats), switched to the open lane to bypass traffic and swerved onto 78th St. when he saw Durley and broadsided pltfs' vehicle as they waited at a stop sign. F-51 sustained C6-C7 herniations with fusion ($53,000 medl., $26,000 LT as a computer tech for IRS), and M-5I had two broken ribs ($7,000 medical. expense). Pltf brought a willful and wanton entrustment count against CSI based on Talavera's poor driving record and alleged illegal alien status. Joint settlement paid $40,000 by Affirmative for Durley and $475,000 by Progressive for CSI.


$500,000.00 settlement to a 39-year-old female who was rear-ended in a 3-car collision on I-290, sustaining a hip injury requiring arthroscopic surgery seven (7) months later. No ambulance arrived at the scene and no emergency room visit.

These are a few of the high-end settlements that our clients have received with our legal services; click here to see a full list of settlements we have achieved for our clients 

In Need of Legal Services? Contact William S. Wojcik, LTD.

At William S. Wojcik, LTD., we are committed to providing our clients with top-quality legal services that are tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the law, our skilled attorneys are equipped to handle a wide range of legal matters. Whether you need representation in court, guidance through a complex legal process, or advice on a legal matter, we are here to help. Get in contact with us today. 

How to Navigate the Financial Aftermath of a Truck Accident

Being involved in a truck accident is a traumatic physical and emotional experience. However, the financial aftermath can also be devastating, particularly if you were not at fault for the accident. The financial impact of a truck accident can be significant, from medical bills and vehicle repairs to lost wages and other expenses. Navigating this aftermath can be overwhelming, especially if you're not sure where to start. 

At Wojcik Law, we strive to ensure all of our client's knowledge about what to do and who to contact after being the victim of an accident. That is why we want to provide you with tips and advice on navigating the financial aftermath of a truck accident. We'll cover important steps after an accident, how to communicate with insurance companies, and how to seek legal guidance if needed. Understanding the financial implications of a truck accident and taking proactive steps to address them can help protect your financial well-being and move forward after this difficult experience.

What To Do After Being the Victim of a Truck Accident

If you have been the victim of a truck accident, you should first prioritize your health and safety. Seek medical attention immediately, even if you don't think you've been seriously injured. Some injuries, such as concussions and internal bleeding, may not be immediately apparent and can have serious consequences if left untreated.

Once you have addressed any immediate medical needs, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and your legal rights:

  1. Document the Accident: If you can, take photos of the accident scene, including damage to your vehicle and any injuries you've sustained. Make sure to also obtain contact information from any witnesses.

  2. Contact the Police: Call the police at the accident scene and give them a detailed account of what happened.

  3. Notify Your Insurance Company: Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible, providing them with any relevant information, such as the police report and photos.

  4. Seek Legal Guidance: Consult with an experienced truck accident attorney, like Wojcik Law. We will advise you on your legal rights and options.

It's important to remember that truck accidents can have serious financial and legal implications. Taking these steps can help protect your health, safety, and legal rights after a truck accident.

Keep Records of Everything Following Your Accident

Keep Records of Everything Following Your Accident

Truck accidents are no small ordeal. They often involve serious emotional, physical, and property damage and can lead to a pretty hefty bill for several things. That is why it is essential to keep detailed records of all expenses related to the accident, such as medical bills, vehicle repairs, and lost wages. These records will be important when seeking compensation for damages.

By keeping a record of your current, ongoing, and future expenses, your lawyer can make a stronger case to ensure that you are fully compensated for all damages. Leaving out any expenses will force you, the victim, to have to pay for them, which is the last thing that should be happening. Ask family and friends to help you manage records to ensure that no stone is left unturned and you are left with only one focus, recovering from the tragedy you have endured. 

How To Communicate With Insurance Companies After a Trucking Accident

Being the victim of a trucking accident is extremely serious. One of the main things the at-fault insurance company will immediately try to do is make the situation go away fast. It will often result in a quick offer of compensation. However, contacting your lawyer before discussing anything or accepting any offer from any insurance company representing the at-fault property is highly recommended. We at Wojcik Law will assist you in preparing for any discussions and advising you on further steps in gaining compensation for damages. 

Why it's Financially Important to Contact a Lawyer Immediately After Being a Victim of a Truck Accident

Going through the legal process alone after a truck accident is extraneous and difficult. That is why if you've been the victim of a truck accident, it's important to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Protecting Your Legal Rights: Truck accidents can involve complex legal issues, and it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side who can protect your legal rights and help you navigate the legal system.

  2. Gathering Evidence: An attorney can help gather evidence to support your case, such as accident reports, witness statements, and medical records. This evidence can be critical in establishing liability and demonstrating the extent of your damages.

  3. Communicating with Insurance Companies: Dealing with insurance companies after a truck accident can be a frustrating and stressful experience. An attorney can handle all communications with insurance companies on your behalf, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

  4. Maximizing Compensation: An attorney can help you understand the full extent of your damages and work to ensure that you receive fair and just compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

  5. Time is Limited: In many cases, there are time limits for filing a truck accident claim. By contacting an attorney immediately after the accident, you can ensure that you meet these deadlines and protect your legal rights.

Contact Wojcik Law After Being Involved in a Trucking Accident 

If you have been involved in a trucking accident, it's important to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. At Wojcik Law, we understand the serious physical, emotional, and financial toll trucking accidents can have on victims and their families. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to protecting your legal rights and maximizing your compensation. 
We deeply understand the complex legal and regulatory issues involved in trucking accidents. We can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate the legal system. We will handle all communications with insurance companies on your behalf, gather evidence to support your case, and work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you get your life back on track after a trucking accident.

What to Do When You Are The Victim of a Truck Accident Causing Bodily Injury

Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, no matter how careful of a driver you are. For victims of an accident involving a truck, the aftermath can be substantially worse compared to a car-on-car collision. Therefore, if you are the victim of a truck accident causing bodily injury, you need to know exactly what to do and who to call to ensure you are taken care of both medically and legally. 

Below are some straightforward tips every truck accident victim needs to take from Wojcik Law's highly experienced personal injury lawyers and legal staff. They have helped hundreds of people successfully navigate the legal issues that are caused by truck accidents and assist victims and their families in receiving compensation for the mental and physical anguish they experienced. Keep reading to find out more. 

Stay at the Scene and Get to Safety

It is essential to stay at the scene of the collision, even if you are the victim. Attempting to drive away after an accident is a serious offense and diminishes your chances of receiving compensation. If at all possible, pull your vehicle off the road to a safe area; if your automobile is too damaged, you can safely exit it and get to a safe place without causing further damage to yourself. If you have been injured, do so. 

Take a Moment and Check for Injuries

Following an accident, you will most likely have a lot of adrenaline pumping through your body; this can affect the decisions that you may make in the next moments. Take a second to pull yourself together and try to calm down; it will allow you to get your thoughts together. Once you have taken a second, ensure you immediately check for injuries. Even if you have only minor injuries that are visible, it is crucial that you still move very carefully. The high amounts of adrenaline can mask certain external and internal injuries. 

Don't Move if You're Injured

If you suspect that your head or spine has been injured, do not move unless you are in immediate danger. Wait for paramedics to arrive to stabilize you or anyone in the vehicle with you that has been injured. Driving with an injured head or spin opens you up to the possibility of causing serious, life-altering, and potentially fatal complications. Wait for the professionals to come and assist you. 

Contact Emergency Services

If you or anyone has been injured, you suspect the negligence of another party caused the accident, the road is blocked, or the property has been damaged, call 9-11 immediately. You need to report all truck accidents, no matter how serious, to the police so that you have an official report recorded. In Illinois, each driver involved in an Illinois traffic crash must file a crash report if the collision caused a death, bodily injury, or more than $1,500 of property damage when all drivers are insured.

What Should You Do if You've Been Involved in a Hit and Run Truck Accident?

When involved in a hit-and-run accident, the instinct for many victims is to try and stop the fleeing truck. While you may have this impulse, don't do it. Chasing the negligent party has the potential to create further damage to bystanders, motorists, and yourself. You will also be guilty of fleeing the scene of the accident. If you were the victim of a hit and run and can safely do so, obtain the following: 

  • The make and model of the truck 

  • Any colors, logos, or names on the body of the truck 

  • The trucks license number 

Any information you can provide to identify the fleeing truck can be beneficial for police reports, in turn helping your lawyer build a strong case. The best way to initiate the search for the fleeing truck is to immediately contact 911 to obtain help for you and anyone else who has been injured and start the search for the car and driver. 

You may be a bit disoriented after the accident and unable to obtain any visual information about the negligent party; therefore, if you can safely do so, speak with any witnesses of the accident. Others may have noticed details that you have missed that can be extremely beneficial in bringing the truck driver to justice. 

Collect Data

When it comes to a truck accident causing bodily harm, information is king. You want to collect as much information as possible while you're still on the scene of the accident. The information you gather will help your case substantially while uncovering who is to blame for the accident. Data you should collect includes:

The Other Driver Involved in the Accident

  • Insurance details 

  • Full name and address 

  • Phone number 

  • Driving license number 

  • In the case of a commercial vehicle, make a note of the company details 

  • If the driver is not the registered owner, get the owner's details 

Driving Conditions

  • Is it raining 

  • Are the roads icy or slushy

  • Missing road signs 

  • Damaged road 

Take Photos 

  • Take photos of the accident area from various angles 

  • Photograph any damage to your vehicle and others involved 

  • Take pictures of damaged personal belongings 

Witness Information

  • Make a note of their names and numbers 

  • Ask if they would be willing to be a witness for you 

  • Listen to any information they can provide from their point of view of the accident

Never Admit Liability or Accept Any Offers from Insurance Reps

After an accident, you will have a lot going through your head, debilitating your ability to think clearly. Ensure that you keep to the facts you know and do not admit responsibility or apologize for the accident. Acknowledging responsibility can diminish your case for compensation and open you up to a world of future legal problems. Instead, only discuss the accident details with emergency services and legal advisors to help limit liability.

Additionally, following an accident, the negligent party's legal teams or insurance providers will get straight to work to get ahead of everything and minimize the damages they have to compensate for. These sharks will dive in and take advantage of the fact you were just involved in an accident to offer you a lowball offer to "make everything go away." Do not agree to anything before talking with your legal representative. 

Contact Wojcik Law: A Personal Injury Lawyer in Chicagoland

The sooner you contact a personal injury lawyer to file your claim, the better. While the statute of limitations in Illinois for filing a personal injury claim is two years, the sooner you contact an attorney, the better your chance of winning maximum compensation and moving on from the incident.

Wojcik Law has the team, resources, and experience to get down to the facts, build a strong case, and get you the compensation you and your loved ones deserve. So if you have been involved in a truck accident causing bodily injury, don't hesitate to contact the respected, knowledgeable, and professional personal injury lawyers at Wojcik Law.

How Wojcik Law is Ready to Handle Your Personal Injury Claim

When it comes to navigating the legal system can be overwhelming and confusing for someone who has never been through it. This is especially true for personal injury cases, where the stakes are high, and the outcome can significantly impact your life. That's why it's crucial to hire a trusted lawyer who can guide you through the process and protect your rights. Keep reading to find out how Wojick Law and its arsenal of experienced lawyers and legal team is ready to handle your personal injury claim. 

What is a Personally Injury Case? 

A personal injury case is a legal dispute that arises when someone is injured due to the negligent or intentional actions of another person or entity. The injured party (plaintiff) may seek compensation for their injuries and losses from the party deemed responsible (defendant). Personal injury cases can include many accidents and injuries, such as car accidents, slip, and fall accidents, medical malpractice, and more. The goal of a personal injury case is to hold the responsible party accountable for their actions and to compensate the injured party for any harm they have suffered.

Here is How Wojcik Law is Ready To Handle Your Personal Injury Case: 

They Understand the Complexities of Personal Injury Law

Personal injury law is a complex area of law that is easier to understand with the guidance of a professional with experience handling different cases. It's essential to have an attorney who is familiar with the laws and regulations specific to your state and any federal laws that may apply. They can also help you navigate the legal system and understand the different stages of the process, such as filing a lawsuit, going to trial, and settling out of court.

William S. Wojcik, Ltd., has over 37 years of experience in personal injury Law, serving Chicago's southwest suburban area. Thanks to his years of dedication to victims of personal injury incidents, he completely understands the complexities of personal injury law and all that is necessary to give his clients the best chance at winning their claims and gaining maximum compensation. 

Ready to Protect Your Rights

When dealing with a personal injury case, it's essential to have an attorney looking out for your best interests. Wojcik Law will help you understand your rights and ensure you're not taken advantage of by the other party or their insurance company. Their entire legal team will also help you negotiate a fair and just settlement and, if necessary, take your case to trial to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

From the moment you contact Wojcik Law, their entire team will work day and night to ensure you have the best chance at winning your case and that the wrongful party is put to justice. Throughout the entire process, you will be backed by a team of legal specialists with only one goal in mind, getting you compensation for physical and emotional damages. 

Years of Experience and an Unmatched Reputation

It's essential to choose an attorney with experience handling personal injury cases and a proven track record of success. Wojcik Law is known for being knowledgeable, professional, and effective in and out of the courtroom. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your case is in good hands and that you have a strong advocate on your side. Thanks to Wojcik Laws' years of experience, they have a wide range of resources available to ensure that their clients are always protected. 

They Help You Understand Your Legal Rights

One of the main reasons to contact a personal injury lawyer at Wojcik Law is to understand your legal rights. Their lawyers and legal team will help you navigate the legal system and explain your rights and options. They can also advise you on the best course of action to take to protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. Staying in the know will keep you out of the dark, giving you the peace of mind you need knowing you are protected at every moment. 

Wojcik Law Will Help Build a Strong Case

Personal injury cases can be complex, and building a strong case takes time and effort. A personal injury lawyer can help you gather the necessary evidence and build a case that will stand up in court. They can also help you understand the legal process and guide you through it every step of the way. Following a personal injury, you may not be in the position to collect all of the information, details, police report, witness information, and evidence that you need to build a strong case. However, Wojcik Law is completely prepared. 

Once you contact Wojcik Law, their legal team will get straight to work. They will collect everything needed to build your case to get you the best settlement offer possible, and if it comes to it, represent you boldly in court. Have you been involved in an accident due to the negligence of someone else? Don't hesitate to contact the experienced legal team at Wojcik Law. 

To Maximize Your Compensation

Another critical reason to contact a personal injury lawyer at Wojcik Law is to maximize compensation. Their attorneys can help you negotiate a fair and just settlement and, if necessary, take your case to trial to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. They can also help you understand how to calculate your damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

To Represent You in Court

If your case goes to trial, it's crucial to have a personal injury lawyer represent you in court. They have the experience and knowledge necessary to present your case in the best possible light and to argue on your behalf. They can also help you navigate the legal system and understand the different stages of the trial process. If it comes to trial, you can fully depend on the experience, talents, and skills of Wojcik Law's legal team to fight for your rights. 

Contact Wojcik Law: Personal Injury Attorney in Chicago, IL 

Have you or a loved one been injured due to the negligent or intentional actions of another party or entity? Then contact Wojcik Law immediately for a team of legal experts ready to take your case and fight to get you maximum compensation. Don't wait any longer; time is of the essence. Contact Wojcik Law today! 

William S. Wojcik, Ltd - Proud Sponsors of St Germaine School


We had the esteemed privilege to enjoy a ‘Night on The Town’ on January 18, 2020.

We are proud sponsors of this wonderful event that benefits the children of St Germaine Catholic School. 

St Germaine Catholic School educational programs strive for academic excellence by helping each student to develop his or her own special gifts of integrity, pride, cooperation, and self-direction through perseverance.

As ‘Your Southside personal injury Attorneys’ we are dedicated to uplifting our community. 

Learn more about the St Germaine Catholic School here!


What to Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident in Chicago


Car Accident Injury Checklist

Every year in Illinois, hundreds of thousands of people are involved in auto accidents. In 2017 alone, there were 311,679 motor vehicle crashes in Illinois, 21.5% of which were injury crashes. Almost 1,000 motor vehicle crashes in Illinois in 2017 were fatal.

While you may never be involved in a crash, with the high number of accidents that occur every year, it’s important to know what to do if the worst does occur and you experience an auto accident first hand.

Here are ten of the most important steps to follow if you’re involved or injured in a car accident in Chicago:

1)      Turn Off the Car

The first step if you’re involved in a car accident is to move out of the way of traffic and stop your vehicle as soon as possible – it’s illegal to continue driving! You should stop the car, turn off the engine and switch the hazard lights on.

Following these three steps, even after a minor collision, will make sure that you’re following the law and keeping yourself, any passengers in your vehicle and other road users safe.

2)      Check for Injuries

Your health and the safety of any passengers in your vehicle should be your top priority after an auto accident. Once you’ve stopped the car, you need to check yourself and anyone else in the vehicle for injuries. If you, a passenger or anyone else has been injured in the accident, call for ambulance as soon as you’re able to.

3)      Call the Police

As well as calling for an ambulance, you’ll need to call the police after a car accident in Chicago. You should contact the police to file a police report even after a minor car accident. Depending on the severity of your accident and how busy the local police are, they may or may not visit the accident scene.

Informing the police of an accident and filing a report is helpful for your insurance claim and if you decide to file a lawsuit with the help of an auto accident attorney in Chicago.

4)      Don’t Admit Fault

An important thing to bear in mind immediately after a car accident in Chicago is never to admit that you’re responsible for the crash. Admitting fault at the scene of the accident could harm your chances of a successful insurance claim. Where possible, only discuss the details of the accident with a lawyer, your insurance company and the authorities.

5)      Exchange Details

While you shouldn’t talk about the accident details with other parties involved, you should still exchange contact details with them. Getting the name, address and contact details of other drivers involved in the accident is of the upmost importance!

6)      Gather Information

As well as the contact details of other parties involved in the auto accident, there’s a lot of other information you should try to collect. The more information you can acquire after an accident, the better the position you’ll be in to make a claim.

You should try to obtain/record:

  • The company name and policy number of the other party’s insurance

  • A description of the other party’s vehicle, including the license plate number and registration details

  • The details of any witnesses

  • The details of the police officers who responded to the accident

  • A detailed account of what happened before and during the accident

  • The date, time and address of the accident

  • The direction that all vehicles involved in the accident were travelling

  • Details of the road conditions


7)      Take Photos

Photos are also a very useful form of evidence to collect after a car accident. If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including the position of the vehicles and any damage sustained during the accident. Pictures of your injuries, road conditions, possible contributors to the accident and property damage can also be useful proof to have when filing an insurance or compensation claim.

8)      Call Your Insurance

Another important thing to do after an auto accident is to call your insurer and inform them of the accident. You should do this as soon as possible – from the scene of the accident if you’re able to.

Your insurance company will walk you through what will need to happen next and how long you’ll have to make a claim. You may be required to make a claim within just a few days or weeks of the accident, so it’s important to contact your insurer quickly.

9)      Keep Evidence of Expenses

After the accident, you should continue to gather evidence that’ll be of use for your insurance claim or if you decide to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

You should obtain/keep documents such as:

·         The accident report

·         Medical bills

·         Communication from your insurance company

·         Vehicle repair bills

·         Car rental receipts

10)  Get in Touch with a Chicago Auto Injury Attorney

An insurance claim may not cover everything after a car accident, such as pain, stress, lost income and the cost of your medical bills. The final step after a car accident to improve your chances of receiving owed compensation is to call a specialist car accident lawyer in Chicago, such as the experts at Wojcik Law.

The statute of limitations for car accident lawsuits in Illinois is just two years to claim damages for injuries and a minimum of one year, or sometimes up to two years, for wrongful death, so it’s best to get in touch with a car accident attorney as soon as possible after an accident! The sooner you contact a lawyer, the fresher the accident will be in your mind, which may also help your case.

An attorney at Wojcik Law in Chicago will evaluate the facts of the accident and help to determine whether you have a case for compensation. You may be entitled to compensation to cover losses if the other party was entirely or only partly at fault for the accident.

Car accidents can be a traumatic experience that may people aren’t prepared for. Knowing what to do beforehand and who to call can make the extremely stressful and worrying event much easier. For more information about what to do after a car accident in Chicago, and where you stand legally, contact Wojcik Law.

What to Expect in Your Initial Meeting with Your Personal Injury Lawyer


Meeting with a personal injury lawyer can be a daunting prospect, especially if it’s your first time meeting with any kind of attorney and you have no idea what to expect. It’s time to relax and let go of the worry, because meeting with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago isn’t as scary as you might imagine. Your attorney is there to help you, so they’re going to do everything they can to put you at ease.

Here we’ll cover everything that you need to know to take the fear or anxiety out of your initial meeting with your personal injury attorney and get the most out of the experience.

Things You Should Know About Your Initial Meeting

The single most important thing to know about your initial meeting with an attorney is the purpose of the meeting, which is twofold. The first purpose of the meeting is for you to get to know the lawyer, more about their experience and what they can bring to your case. This meeting is a chance for you to decide whether the lawyer is the right person to take on your case and ask any questions that you may have about the law practice, the lawyer’s case history and your personal injury case.

The second purpose of the meeting is for the personal injury lawyer to learn more about your case. They’ll be asking questions in order to evaluate your case and determine whether or not there’s a potential for the case to be won. All the information shared during this meeting will be beneficial for your attorney, who’ll be using their knowledge of personal injury law to start working out the viability of your case.

It’s unlikely that your first meeting will take long, especially if you come prepared. Your lawyer will make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible throughout and will clarify any points that you don’t understand or need more information on. This meeting is basically just a conversation!

What You Should Bring to Your Meeting

Exactly what you’ll need to bring to your first meeting will depend on your case and what your lawyer advises prior to the meeting. It’s vital that you bring all the documents and information requested so you can get the most out of the appointment and your lawyer can get a clear idea of your case.

Your lawyer may request that you bring:

  • Medical records, including any bills, diagnosis and treatment reports, dates of admittance, prescription medication details, and hospital addresses

  • Receipts of any expenses incurred due to your injury

  • Official reports, including the police report

  • Insurance information, such as auto and health coverage

  • Finance information, such as lost wages

  • Evidence, including photographs and any correspondence that you’ve had with other parties

The more useful information you can bring and the better organized it is, the faster the meeting can progress and the better informed your lawyer will be at the end.

You'll Be Asked About Prior Accidents and Injuries

This can be a very difficult part of the meeting, especially if the details of your accident and injury are sensitive. It’s important to remember that your lawyer is only asking these questions to learn more about your case and not to make you uncomfortable in any way. The attorney-client privilege will ensure that all the information you share remains confidential.

Your lawyer may ask you questions similar to:

·         Have you given any information to insurance companies or other lawyers?

·         What injuries did you sustain in the accident?

·         How have your injuries affected you day-to-day?

·         How painful are your injuries?

·         What insurance coverage do you have?

·         Is this the first accident you’ve been in?

·         What did the doctor say about your injuries?

·         Are you in employment?

Going into the meeting prepared to answer these questions will make the whole process much easier and less stressful.

Signing an Attorney Client Agreement

If your lawyer decides to take on your case and you decide that you want to work with them, then you should expect to receive a fair bit of paperwork. This paperwork will include an attorney client agreement.

An attorney client agreement is a contract between you and your lawyer that covers things like fees, the kind of representation that the lawyer will provide and the responsibilities and duties of the lawyer. Included within the agreement will also be information about confidentiality, a definition of your relationship with the lawyer and details about case management and ending the relationship. The agreement may be quite long, but it’s important to read it in full and ask if you’re unsure about anything.

Contingency Fees Explained

Different lawyers have different fee arrangements: some have a fixed fee; others have an hourly fee. Like many personal injury lawyers, at Wojcik Law we use a contingency fee arrangement, so we’ll discuss the specifics of these fees in more detail during your initial consultation.

A contingency fee basically means that a lawyer will only require payment for their services if they win your case. The contingency fee is a predetermined percentage of the settlement or award and should be clearly outlined in your attorney client agreement.

Medical Authorizations

During your initial meeting with your personal injury lawyer, medical authorization will very likely be brought up. Medical authorization is when you authorize for your medical records to be released. 

When pursuing a personal injury case, it may be important for your attorney to have access to some or all of your records in order to build a case. There are pros and cons to releasing your medical records, which your lawyer will discuss with you in detail during your consultation. It’s up to you whether you release your records, but it’s important to remember that these can be essential for assessing the extent of injuries and calculating damages.

Now you know what to expect from your first meeting with your personal injury lawyer, it’s time to book a consultation. You can contact Wojcik Law today to book a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Chicago and start discussing your case.